PeMaC Kft. Pályázatok

About us

In 2009, as a subsidiary of Kabeltechnik GmbH, We started our operation in Bonyhád-Majos. Then in 2014 we moved to our current location in Nagymányok. Since the foundation, quality cables, connectors, and cable assembly have been our specialty. We primarily serve the market of renewable energy sources, and within this the heating technology is the key sector, we make cable harnesses for wood-fired and pellet-fired boilers, however, we also manufacture cables for many applications in other industrial sectors (e.g. microelectronics).

PeMaC Kábeltechnika Kft. - A gyár drónfelvétele

Cable production requires a small part of mechanical, but mainly precise manual labour. A team of hardworking production line operators now consisting of hundreds of people ensures that the nearly 250 customers we serve always get the requested quantity on time and in perfect quality.

Apart from continuous orders, our stable background is also guaranteed by our foreign parent company. H&S Kabeltechnik GmbH with a place of business in Enzenkirchen was established in 2006. At present, the Austrian centre is responsible for trade, manages customers and manages strategic procurement, so we can fully concentrate on cable production here in Nagymányok.

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